I am a BACP accredited counsellor with an Advanced Diploma in Humanistic Counselling (2010), Level 5 Diploma in Sex Addiction Counselling (2017) and Certificate in Christian Counselling (2006) and trained as an EMDR Therapist (2021).

I run a private counselling practice in Burgess Hill (RH15 8HY).
I worked for 5 years as a counsellor at Signposts in Burgess Hill. Signposts is a drop-in centre for people with learning difficulties and disabilities, as well as mental health issues. I volunteered for 3 years at St Peter and St James Hospice as a bereavement counsellor.
I am an Associate Counsellor (since Aug 2017) with Professional Help which offer bereavement counselling.
I was an Associate Counsellor with the Laurel Centre which offer specialist counselling in sex and porn addiction. (Jul 2018 to April 2022)
In my training I was a volunteer counsellor at The Information Shop for Young People in Burgess Hill.
Professional Ethics:
I am an accredited member of the BACP – British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy. I work to their Ethical Framework, which is available on their website – www.bacp.co.uk. I have regular supervision to ensure I am working ethically and professionally.

I am also a member of ACC – Association of Christians in Counselling and Linked Professions
I am also a member of EMDR Association